Ordinal position is the traditional way of setting the parameter by its position in the CallableStatements. 顺序位置是传统的参数设置方式,它根据参数在CallableStatements中的位置来设置参数。
Using named parameters in a CallableStatement in a Java ™ program adds the convenience of being able to identify parameters by name instead of by ordinal position. 通过在Java™程序的可调用语句中使用命名参数,可以根据名称而不是顺序位置识别参数,从而增加方便性。
Represented as an ordinal number followed by either a single. 0 or a set of ordinal numbers separated by dots, the node data type corresponds to a position in a tree structure. 节点数据类型用一个序数加一个.0或一组以点号隔开的序数来表示,它对应于一个树结构中的一个位置。
Because the Twitter data is an array of objects, it makes sense to parse the entire string into an array and then access the object individually by ordinal position. 因为Twitter数据是一个对象数组,整体解析成一个数组然后按顺序逐个访问对象是明智的选择。
But named parameter provides the flexibility to set the parameters by name, instead of by ordinal position. 但是,命名参数则提供了更大的灵活性,它允许根据名称而不是顺序位置来设置参数。
Ordinal map improves the matching efficiency and relative position relationship avoids frequent coordinates transformation. 运用顺序地图,提高了匹配搜索效率,运用相对位置关系,避免了不断的坐标变换。